Had a shooting in the most amazing house outside Copenhagen the other day. The house was built 1962 and the nice thing to see was that all the furniture was original, every little detail just like time had been still for 50 years.

If you start to get tired of your sofa you just have to resist for about 45/50 years and then eventually it will get hot and trendy again… maybe something for our generation to think about?

Good morning birdy, this is the way I look in with no makeup at 8.30 in the morning..

After 3 pregnancies and 7 years of not sleeping properly, I just say God bless hair-extentions and makeup to cover up all the damage;)

Some more piff and fix…

Before moving from Rome I had a BIG cleanout of my closet, and I can tell you there was a lot of small

tunics that was thrown out. And now they are COMING BACK in lovely prints and colors…. Typical!!


Got two new favorites, the shoes from "a pair" and the most refreshing thing ever, Tromborg- Rose water. What´s your favorite beauty products now during the winter?

The result of all this you will be able to see in Damernas Värld spring issue, I´m super exited to see it!!! 

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