

I love the spring, all the colours, the light and the birds but most of all I like the expectations of what about to come. Fixing and taking care of a garden gives you faith in tomorrow. My garden project has started, today I digged and prepared for my little plantagen. It is still to cold for most vegetables so now I´m just waiting for the sun!!

The hard job is done, now Im studying and learning about different plants and vegetables  that are easy to grow. My ambition is to have some tomatoes, mangold, basil, rhubarb, ruccola, strawberries, zucchini, potatoes and carrots of course.



My and Milo´s little basil seeds are now seeing the light for the first time, a few more weeks then they will be ready for the big world.  IMG_2353_SnapseedJust a few more days then I will sit under my blooming Magnolia tree, just a few days..

I wish you all a beautiful weekend!


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