Long weekend

Isn´t  it nice when bankholidays comes on a Thursday, then the Friday just naturally falls out, looooong weekend here we come!

Started off our weekend with some sleepovers

Bed invasion of 5 kids this morning…

and a DOG!!

Me and my loved decided at 6.30 this morning that we are never ever going to buy a dog.. But we are very happy to dogsit buddha once in a while!

Wild games and loads of fantasy!

Packed upp all the pirates and little birds and crossed the bridge

Spent our whole afternoon playing with sand, water, microscopes, bubbles and blocks, a heaven on earth for kids…. Experentarium!!!

With over 300 interactive exhibits about science and technology…. it was very quiet in the car on or way home;)

Oh, and i even got 10 minuets for my self… did a quick stop at Moss Copenhagen and got this sweatshirt on 50% sale!!!

And the best of all is that the weekend has just started!!

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