A cross the bridge

Not much beach this summer…  But on the other hand you get to do things you normally wouldn’t do like fixing all the kids old and broken jeans, bake nice cakes that you never have time to do and see long old movies under cozy warm blankets.. then who cares it´s  raining cats and dogs outside? And whats nicer than to take the bridge over to Copenhagen for a day? Stroll around, look at street performances, do some shopping and eat good food!

Me and Cleo went crazy at Hay, love the colours, can´t get enough!! Got some really nice things…. Then we had a super smushi lunch at Royal Cafe, love the smörrebrö and the over the top- high on acid decoration!! Got some fun ideas for the house;)

Now were off to Göinge and Great-Grandmother, have a lovely weekend everyone!

Oh, just have to show you my next DIY….

The cutest little stove made out of old olive and cake tin containers, what a great idea!!!

Cleo loved it as much as I did;)

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