Spring is giving me energy and I have started a new routine! The first thing I do in the morning is drinking a big glass of warm water with lemon, helps your body to detox.
On with the sneakers for a long power walk along the sea, nothing beats this and especially today with the sun shining and trees exploading with flowers everywhere!
Walking is great, gets up the pulse a bit and helps me to clear my head. When you run you miss a lot, it goes to fast somehow. I love to observe all the small things and signs in nature and today i even picked some nettles for my morning smoothie!
Said hello to some naked nudist cold bathers, bred in some cold ocean air in my lungs and thought that this is one of the reasons why we moved here and that we are so lucky to live in this country! Then headed back for some breakfast..
Isn't it funny that you always want variety on what you eat for lunch and dinner but then the breakfast always looks the same? Now I'm all in to Chia pudding with fresh berries, banana and licorice raw- granola.
I just put 2 table spoons with chia seeds then add some almondmilk over the night and that´s it!! Top with berries and banana, mmmmmmm;) Finish up with a cup of warm herbal infusion and now I´m ready for a shower and a lovely energetic day!!
Oh, and the nettles were divine just mixed with some fresh squeezed orange juice;)