Pink and fluff


After two super boyish boys I was VERY happy to find out that my third was a girl….

All those clothes, pink and sweet ahhh and lets not talk about the room, sweeter then sweet.

I used to love to dress up (still do that) as a little girl and Cleo is just starting now so when I was about to bring this old mirror to Myrorna I got the best idea to use it in Birdys room after reading over at Mokkasin that the 80s mirror -wall is coming back!!

Only thing is, now in front of that mirror she has got some real favorite outfits, right now that is a Pippi Långstrump pajamas!! She wont leave the house without it…  and I´m trying to get her in to other thoughts but she is very very sure of her choice…


All those sweet dresses……

I'm trying to bid on the sweeeeet dress I wore at Ellegalan, interested?? Check here!! 


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