
IMG_2375My days has been busy, but busy in a good way. Full of friendship, love and fun things. House is full of kids and I have a good friend staying with us. Long dinners, lots of talking, thats the way I want my Easter! I have even done a intense Yoga corse with amazing Petri Räisänen, so I feel soft but at the same time strong in my body and mind;)

IMG_2493Monday night we had dinner at PatéPaté in Copenhagen with best Adina and Carmen, it´s so nice to meet up with old friends that you haven’t seen for ages but once you get together it feels like it was yesterday you saw each other. Time´s passing, things in life changes but the friendship remains.

IMG_2498I saw Carmen playing live at the Bremen theatre for the first time, it was amazing and I felt like a proud mother sitting there in the audiences watching my friend.  


IMG_2395At home my garden project is continuing and I got some good help painting the door green! 



Adina takes the most beautiful pictures and she had the best model posing for her, Cleo of course! IMG_2523


IMG_2532Now we are loading for Easter, we made cards for tomorrow and the kids are planning what to wear!! The sun is shining and now I´m heading for Kallis, its a good day!!



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