

The longing makes it even nicer when it finally comes, these two last years in Sweden has really made me aware of the seasons and the sudden changes. After a long dark winter it almost feels surreal to sit under the warm sun again. We welcomed the spring and the sunny weather this easter, took a day in Torup with picnik.

All the ramslök we found!!! Now our fridge is full and tonight we are having a pie and a pesto with Ramslök of course;) IMG_2668_Snapseed


This one I will try tonight..

Ramslöks Pesto 

5 tbs of Ramslök

50 g almonds

1/2 dl of olive oil


Black pepper


lemon peel

Mix ramslök, almond, oil, salt and pepper to a even paste, add som cold water, capers and lemon peel, maybe some more salt and pepper.

Enjoy as a dipp for veggies or on crisp bread!

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